Hi Martin,
like everyone, after more of one month, my problem still unsolved. I received a mail today from Virgin
"We wanted to let you know that, in line with your terms, the price of your Virgin Media main services will increase from April by the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation, plus an additional 3.9%. As RPI was announced at 4.9%, we can now confirm your monthly price will go up by 8.8% from your April bill."
A part the fact I don't understand the additional of 3.9%, Virgin ask me more money for what? Solve my (YOUR) problem and I happy to pay a little more.
The customer service is practically useless, technicians say they are working to fix the problem and bla bla bla. At the moment I can't log in the router, I can't manage my network, I can't connect by VM Connect (hub not found)
I can just have the new hub 5 only if I upgrade my service but I can't do it because there is nothing up my contract, I have the top!!! Give me a working hub 4 is so complicate? or the problem IS the hub 4?
Sorry for my english I'm not mother language