Hub 4 Settings unresponsive - white screen
This seems to be a common problem with the Hub 4
Start with 60 second reset - hub boots up. At this point I can log in to the admin portal and make adjustments. Then leave it for about 24 hours and try to log in again. Accepts the password and then just the white screen that lots of others mention.
Some have suggested that as long as you don’t use the VM Connect app then the portal will be OK. I haven’t used the app since the 60s restart (it didn’t connect before the restart anyway).
I don’t have a VPN or any of the other standard questions. This is a hub that was replaced in the summer and has never worked properly. There is a suggestion in the forums that if the replacement was a recondition unit this is quite common.
New hub 5 received and all working fine now. Thank you to all who offered help.