Forum Discussion

Darkymcboaty's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

Hub 3 Status & Clarification

I Have had a little bit of an issue with my Hub 3  as of late & I am after some clarification of If i have an issue or not,

From what i have read on here my power Level for

Downstream are perfectly fine (between -2    -    0 )

Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) SNR (dB) Modulation Channel ID

1227000000-1.740256 qam12
2219000000-140256 qam11
3235000000-1.440256 qam13
4243000000-1.240256 qam14
5251000000-140256 qam15
6259000000-0.540256 qam16
7267000000-0.240256 qam17
8275000000-0.538256 qam18
9283000000-0.240256 qam19
102910000000.440256 qam20
112990000000.738256 qam21
123070000000.540256 qam22
133150000000.938256 qam23
143230000000.940256 qam24
153310000000.538256 qam25
163390000000.738256 qam26
173470000000.940256 qam27
183550000000.538256 qam28
19363000000038256 qam29
20371000000038256 qam30
21379000000038256 qam31
22387000000038256 qam32
23395000000-0.538256 qam33
24403000000-0.738256 qam34

Downstream bonded channels

Channe  Locked Status RxMER (dB) Pre RS Errors Post RS Errors


Upstream is where is i am after some clarification, If i have read rightly it should be >34 but <51

Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID

14960000050.8512064 qam1
23660000049.3512064 qam3
33010000148.3512064 qam4
42360019547.5512032 qam5
54310000049.8512064 qam2


The reason i am asking is over the last week, I have had quite a few t3 errors, Which i am afraid i cant show you as i have reset the router so log isnt available


But i do remember i had these show up RCS Partial Service & Lost MDD Timeout as well as only have 1 channel on that Upstream which now seems to be back to norm with 5

so my question is how do you lower the DbV of the Upstream without effecting the downstream, if its close to the Max spec


  • Lost MDD is generally a downstream issue, as is the RCS error (the R, incidentally stands for ‘received’, ie what the hub is getting). All I can tell from what you have posted is that one upstream channel has dropped to 32 QAM (however it is the 23.6 MHz channel which is renown for being susceptible to interference) but, that, in itself isn't worth losing sleep over.

    T3 errors aren’t too unusual, one or two a day is fine, if you are only getting one upstream channel, then, yes that is a serious problem, but if it is now back to the usual five, then fine. Remember that on startup the hub will only have a few channels locked which provide it with the information it needs to lock onto the others (slightly simplified, but still).

    And in answer to your last point, you can’t. The hub automatically ramps up the power until the other end (the CMTS) confirms that it is receiving it loud and clear.

  • Lost MDD is generally a downstream issue, as is the RCS error (the R, incidentally stands for ‘received’, ie what the hub is getting). All I can tell from what you have posted is that one upstream channel has dropped to 32 QAM (however it is the 23.6 MHz channel which is renown for being susceptible to interference) but, that, in itself isn't worth losing sleep over.

    T3 errors aren’t too unusual, one or two a day is fine, if you are only getting one upstream channel, then, yes that is a serious problem, but if it is now back to the usual five, then fine. Remember that on startup the hub will only have a few channels locked which provide it with the information it needs to lock onto the others (slightly simplified, but still).

    And in answer to your last point, you can’t. The hub automatically ramps up the power until the other end (the CMTS) confirms that it is receiving it loud and clear.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Too many errors, but the figures are accumulative since the hub was last power cycled. So please turn off your hub for a short period, this will reset the counters, then post a new full set of stats after about two hours. This will indicate the current line status. Also your downstream power being low and the upstream being high tends to indicate you are possibly a long way from the street cabinet and could need moving to another tap. This would require a technician’s visit. 

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Splitters affect signal levels. If the signal is split between multiple devices, before reaching the modem...

    Removing (unnecessary) splits will increase the downstream power and decrease the upstream power.

  • Hi Darkymcboaty, 

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

    We've had a closer look at the hub and stats this end and a few of your upstream channels are very slightly raised but not to the point where it was cause any issues really. 

    Can you confirm how things are with your connection in general? Do you have any issues at all or just looking in to things to ensure there are no causes for concern?

    Let us know so we can help further. 
