Forum Discussion

estrcat's avatar
Joining in
12 months ago

Hub 3 fails to assign IP address

hi all, my hub 3 seems to stop assigning local ips to devices after they connect after ~1.5 days router uptime and has to be rebooted to fix it. downstream and upstream seem to be ok, and cant seem to find anyone else with this issue

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It is what one might expect to see if the devices were paused via the VM Connect app or via the Hub's menus.

  • Hi estrcat 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

    We're sorry to hear about the problem you've been experiencing 😔

    How have things been since you posted? Also, have you tried checking what Client62 has suggested?

    Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.


    • estrcat's avatar
      Joining in

      since i posted, the issue seems to have resolved itself somehow. 

      the devices also werent paused via the vm connect app or hub menu like what Client62 said

      thanks anyway 👋

      • Kath_P's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi estrcat, 

        Thanks for taking the time to come back to us in the Community with an update. 

        We're pleased to hear things are resolved for you. Sounds like there may have been a little blip. 

        If you have any further issues, pop back and let us know. 

        Many thanks,