Forum Discussion

NSumpter's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

External work not completed

I am now on my 3rd re-book for an install of broadband. A process that has taken 6 weeks so far to get resolved. I live on the second floor of a block and have had constant issues trying to get this installed. Whoever is being contracted to do exterior work is not doing their job correctly. 


First install – October 7th
October 7th was due to be our first install after I received a message on the 5th of October to say the external work had been done. Only to be told on the 7th by the technician that arrived to do the install that no external work had been done. This was then rebooked for 3 weeks later.
Second install – October 24th
Once again I received a text on the 20th of October to say that external work had been completed only to be told on the install day again that it could not be completed due to no external work being done and that a face plate would need to be fitted before the install as well. Something that got rescheduled for the same week but never happened. Then once again rebooked for 3 weeks later 
Third install – November 14th
I received a message yesterday to say that the face plate has been installed. However I find this hard to believe at the moment as I was told I needed to be in for this appointment but no one has knocked or contacted me at the flat, and with the track record from the previous 2 "installs" I will frankly be unsurprised if I find out next tuesday that no work has been done once again.
Should this happen again I will be cancelling my contract and take my business elsewhere as this is unacceptable. I have had to take multiple days off work to be here for appointments for nothing to be done. This is now over a month without internet and to make things worse I have already been charged for 2 months for the O2 part of the contract as well which makes all of this worse because I have no internet but a phone sim.
  • You should continue keeping a detailed record of events (dates, times of all calls, messages, texts etc. along with any missed appointments and failed appointments where someone turns up but no work was carried out). Keep the record in a timeline format with links from the timeline to each piece of recorded evidence. This will make it easy for you in the future to put forward a case to arbitration for the correct compensation, should that be necessary.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You should continue keeping a detailed record of events (dates, times of all calls, messages, texts etc. along with any missed appointments and failed appointments where someone turns up but no work was carried out). Keep the record in a timeline format with links from the timeline to each piece of recorded evidence. This will make it easy for you in the future to put forward a case to arbitration for the correct compensation, should that be necessary.

  • Hi NSumpter 👋.

    Thanks for reaching out to us. Apologies for the issues that you are having with your installation. We can certainly assist you, we would need to bring you in for a private message to discuss this and resolve. 

    Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.



    • adjha's avatar
      Joining in

      Hi Sabrina, I have almost exactly the same situation - continuous rebookings of installation but no work being doing externally (despite SMS messages saying its done). Each engineer that comes takes photos and submits it to the failed installations group, but no sign yet of anyone actually coming to do the work necessary. Can someone get in touch please?

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hey adjham,

        Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your installation. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
        Kind Regards,