Forum Discussion

Ali1237788's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

Death, taxes and virgin media down in your area

Virgin always seem to have a problem in terms of internet in my area. It happens near enough twice a week now. Since there is no FTTP in our area virgin is the only company providing internet at fast speeds but what’s the point if it always goes down. I don’t want compensation I just want it to stop or even a back up wireless router for when the internet does go down but I don’t think they provide that service. Is this something that others have been struggling with aswell? 

  • Hello Ali1237788

    Thanks for your first post and welcome to our community. 

    We're sorry to hear about the loss of service you've experienced. We can assure you it's not the level of service we aim to provide. Whilst we do our best to run a fault free service sometimes these things do happen. We'll always aim to have you back up and running ASAP but, in some instances, this can take longer than we'd like.

    If you are able to check our service status page here and let us know is anything is listed that would be great.

    Regarding the wireless backup router, this is not something we offer, However we will feed this idea back into the business for you.




    • Ali1237788's avatar
      Tuning in

      What should I do if the internet keeps going down twice a week then? And it is always an area issue so I know I won’t be the only one in my area suffering with these issues. 

      • Zach_R's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Ali1237788,

        We would encourage our customers to notify us at their earliest convenience if they begin experiencing issues with their services and we'll do what we can to help.

        In the first instance, however, it would be best to check our Service Status Checker tool to see if the issue is due to a known area impacting fault. If it is then we'll also report a current estimated fix date/time along with the option to receive updates via SMS and/or email.



    • Zach_R's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Cardiffman282,

      Thank you for your post. We're here to help.

      I'm sorry to hear you've had some service issues recently. I've checked over things on our systems and I'm unable to detect any faults currently. How are things for you today? Any better?


      • Cardiffman282's avatar
        Trouble shooter

        Hiya Zach. Thanks for checking in on me. I was having a bit of a moan really. The local fault was fixed in about two days.