Continuing connection issues since 12 Aug
Hi, have been having issues with Virgin internet services for months now after some years of good connection with very few dropouts
I took 4 days to get talk to anyone from Virgin!
We have now had 3 visits
First engineer replaced all the connectors in the house and outside and also the Hub3 - still having issues
Second guy said the drop cable needs replacing
Third guy replaced the drop cable and all the connectors outside again - still having issues but every chat or call with Virgin say that everything is ok
Today again the internet connection has dropped twice (My door cam sends a notification every time internet is lost)
It first disconnected 15:13, I was out and tried to reset via the Virgin app (no joy by the looks) rest at 16:45 at home
todays network log
Also now having issues with devices not connecting because they can not get an IP
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this resolved
That's the one. The stats all look good to me. The BQM isn't awful but isn't perfect either (spikes, hints of packet loss, some brief (manual hub reboot?) disconnections. Have you checked for long faults on 0800 561 0061 / 150?