Forum Discussion

carlo3's avatar
Joining in
6 months ago

2 internet in same house


I am trying to set up an additional internet plan in my household but i’m struggling. this plan is under my name instead of my step dads if that is an issue

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Save yourself the needless cost and run a network cable from the VM Hub to a Wi-Fi Router / Switch & Access Point.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    It’s a lot of hassle to go through not to mention expense. Two accounts means two separate installs, two drop lines & two boxes on the house. Is it really worth it?

    • carlo3's avatar
      Joining in


      Agreed that its cost inneffective. We used to do the wire to a different router thing, and tried the booster kits too. I would prefer the seperate box as it is easier for me and I dont mind the monthly spend. if you know how to get this set up that’d be amazing

      • Martin_N's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi carlo3,

        Thank you for your post. With regards to a second account at the same property, this isn't something we would be able to do. 

        If another account was attempted to be opened in another name at a property that has an active service it would trigger what is called a 'gone away' form. 

        This notifiy the current account that someone is attempting to open an account at the address and that the account they have would be closed. 
