Forum Discussion

Wakankaa's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

Children Safety Feature at Risk since May 2024

Shocking, time again and again. I would like to stress this matter of urgency to let the UK member of the public to check Virgin Media Child safety feature - this is being turn off automatically and if I try to enable it back, the child protection is not working. 
How does it impact - if you are a parent using Virgin Media as the broadband service, you have access to their website, to manage the child safety via their Online Security. 
I had mine enable, this is to protect and block my children from accessing below categories, when I check today - all of this was unchecked, and I had nearly 100 website blocked separately - all of the removed.  I then try to enable it back - tested it again, it doesn't work, I typed a website name to block the website - that didn't work.


I have raised it immediately with Virgin Media - the call center is in India, unaware about the situation here, they said they have raised a ticket and the ticket will take 5 working days, there is no provision for them to escalate this further after discussion with the supervisor.
The impact is that there is will be may parents like me that will not be unaware that this is not working, they hoping the children are browsing children safe internet but ultimately this is not the case. Our children safety at risk, not the first time - I have raised a similar issue last year October and escalated to  Ombudsman Service, Virgin media committed to resolve a similar issue.
I am not sure if this is me but I would to make the general public aware if that is the case, if they have similar issue - raise it with Virgin Media team ASAP.
Thank you.
  • This "feature" is simply not a solution to protect your kids online. Every internet enabled device on the planet allows easy and permanent bypassing of VM's "protection" within 3-15 seconds flat.

    It's really a shame that the advertising standards authority even allows such claims to be made. Any claims any ISP makes for "protecting your kids" should not be relied upon. Protection of your kids must always be internalised, never externalised to any commercial organisations.

    I wonder how many oblivious parents believe this claim and think VM is actually protecting their children from online dangers.

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Personally, with all the Private Relays, VPN's built into browsers etc.  I doubt simple DNS filtering at any ISP will fix this.  Technology has moved on and yes, if you can restrict all internet traffic down a filtered pipe, it may be possible, but even then VPN's may subvert this line of attack.  It would need a business class firewall to nail down traffic and that would be a lot of money, and someone savvy at home to look after all the rules.  

    • Wakankaa's avatar
      Tuning in


      Thank you, understood - then VM will need tell customer that the current children safety that is in place is not fit for purpose.

      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hey Wankankaa, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear you are still having child safety issues.

        What type of issues are you facing with this still?

        What type of websites are still loading up, when this is turned on?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Indeed the cost and technical grasp and management time needed are significant for a robust system.

    I'd fear being on call 24/7 with this kind of kit at home !