Forum Discussion

chrissouthville's avatar
On our wavelength
7 months ago

Trying to change my package but unsuccessful

I'm currently on a Gig 1 Volt package, with Talk More Anytime, Maxit TV, and (apparently) a mobile SIM although I've never had a mobile SIM (I'm with EE for my mobile contract). I've been out of contract since May, and I don't need the landline or the mobile SIM, and don't necessarily need *all* the Maxit TV channels. As my bill is now £178/month I was looking to reduce it by downgrading some of the stuff I currently have.

The website was no help - it shows me my current package, but when I choose the option to change package and click on "Continue", it just refreshes the screen and does nothing else. I thought it might be easier to pop into a Virgin shop, but they've closed all their retail outlets, so that's a no-go. Their "contact us" link just says it's easy to contact them, but doesn't give a phone number, so I tried their WhatsApp service - and was told that I didn't have a Volt package I had an "Ultimate" one which is no longer available; I sent them a screenshot showing I did have a Volt package and was told "yes you have a Volt package", but they couldn't tell me the difference or what that actually means. They also said they couldn't do anything about removing my phone service (I don't need a landline), so they basically offered to downgrade me to a package with fewer options than the one I have but for £198/month. I expressed surprise that a worse package would cost more, but apparently that's all they can offer me.

I've been with Virgin for decades - had it in Bristol when I lived there, and have been with Virgin since moving to Leicester in 2012, and I'm happy with the technical service, it's just customer service that isn't working for me. I really like the 1Gb broadband and am keen to keep that, and would like some premium sports channels. Since it's apparently impossible to remove my landline service using Virgin's online offerings, and there aren't any Virgin shops left, is my only recourse to cancel my current contract, and then buy a new package? And if so, will that mean a few weeks of downtime?


  • Thanks for replying - I agree, but the issue is that in well over 20 years of being with Virgin I've rarely had a connection issue and when I have, their customer support has been very good, and I really am getting almost 1Gb connection speed consistently. I'm frankly astonished that their sales support is so poor, as that's surely where they make their money. I don't need a landline these days, but I do like their premium TV offering, and there's the rub. But you are quite right, it is time to investigate other options.