V6 Boxes and Sky Sports+ Frustrations
This is more a frustrated shout out to Virgin themselves regarding the new Sky+ channel if you have a V6 box.
I don't get it that you you can't receive the red button functions on this channel on a V6 box however I dont want to lose all my recordings on one of my old V6 boxes just to have this function.
I have two boxes one which I record on and one just in another room for viewing but cant change one box, I have to change both if I have 360.
My son has 360 and has a multitude of issues with it, slowness sync etc etc...
You cant cast Sky Sports+ App from Mac to tv.
Surely an easy solution would be to have the Sky Sports App available on the V6 box???
Sort it Virgin, speak to Sky if you need, bite the bullet
So annoyed!!!
I was at a game last night so couldn’t test the functionality on my V6 but if you press the red button on 508 and then info, you get the choice of games like last season. Not as nice looking as the new functionality but I’m sticking with it because I don’t want 360.