Forum Discussion

Jdavies1953's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

TIV V6 Delete all recordings

Message appeared that the recording capacity limit has been reached.

I chose the option to delete all recordings as they are not required.

The deletion process has been running for several hours with numerous start up cycles.

Is this normal or is the process malfunctioning 

Thanks, John

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you've used the "clear & delete everything" option, then this is a slight case of sledgehammer & nut when you could have deleted recordings using the "my shows" view, but what's done is done. And yes, there is a known issue with this option - see the pinned post at the top of each TV section of this forum .... 

    Having said that, you should be able to recover your V6 by using the following sequence..

    Try turning off the V6 at switch; then on the V6 box hold down both the power button and the +button at the same time. Then turn on the V6 again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds. The box should reboot, the power button should turn blue, and it should reset and boot up normally.