The future of the V6?
Hi all,
seems we're in a weird position. i have 3 v6 boxes. i'm now missing out on channel launches and red button functionality. Yet there seems to be no indication of when we may be moved over to new software which will give us the same functionality and product as those who pay the same as us but get a lot more.
its such a weird set up? like why arent we being urged to upgrade to 360? Yet we see tons of articles
My friend has the original tivo and has never been advised to change his what did he do?
He just disconnected his box. He's mentally incapacitated and i cant speak on his behalf. He's still paying for tv.
Whilst my mum is loving sky sports tennis and clicks the red button and ....not available. i have to explain to her "we arent on 360 software" and shes like "what the heck is that?"
Virgin media you're doing a horrific job at communicating. Is this some sort of contract you signed with tivo to get out of the contract or something?
"shh dont tell tivo v6 customers we're not renewing"
or is it literally massive incompetence by your entire team? You have people on tivos and v6s and you're just going "Omg new streaming channels lol lol lol"
Its just really mental this. Like its just mental your approach. My friend would have renewed over and over again but you never reached out to him that his box was 15 YEARS OLD AND WAS SLOW AND DEGRADING.
You never bothered to go "ooh hes paying a lot lets give him at least a bit of new kit"
You know there are people out there with tivos from 2008 and you let them continue with it? You dont even bother to say "Hey you may want to get in touch for a new box?"
Its messed up.