Forum Discussion

afireworkdaze's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Virgin Media Box Stuck On Welcome Screen

Hi everyone. 

5 days ago we had a fault in the area. The TV was stuck on the welcome screen, and would then lose signal. Rinse repeat constantly. It was apparently resolved the day after however we still couldn't get TV. The service status was updated to say everything was fine.

I contacted VM via Twitter who told me this was Fault Ref: F011168596 and is still an active ticket. 

It has been 5 days now and the VM team keep giving me a brush off and say they're looking into it. There's been no direct communication from them, only replies to my messages when I ask what's happening. They've also kindly pointed out no compensation is due for this loss.

We've been loyal customers since Telewest days, and it feels they're treating us pretty poorly. I'm wondering if it's a hardware issue as our box never worked correctly from day 1 (couldn't record or pause TV), and we just put up with it, but now we can't even watch TV at all, hard pill to swallow when you pay over a grand a year for it!

  • Hi,

    If you have the 360 box on the left in the picture and have never been able to record or pause live TV then it sounds like the box is faulty, all 360 boxes need a coax connection for live TV which has obviously worked and a network connection either by ethernet cable or wi-fi for everything else, if your TV guide and on-demand and streaming services have all worked then that would point to the hard drive being faulty unless you have the box on the right then you have a mini box with no hard drive and received it by mistake. You can either call Virgin again or wait here for one of the forum team to respond which might be 2 to 3 days.


    • afireworkdaze's avatar
      Joining in

      Thank you for the reply!

      We have the box on the right. I think the pause and record function worked for about a week after we got it.

      Live TV has worked fine up until 5 days ago when VM had a known fault in the area. Now it won't boot beyond the welcome screen, although it is now occasionally showiny a "download" picture before losing signal again. Despite being updated as fixed on the service status the VM team on Twitter keep saying its an open ticket and its a fault on their side. We can't watch anything now.

      Thank you for your time! Much appreciated as we are very frustrated by it all now.

      • roy247's avatar

        Hi afireworkdaze,

        You can either call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to report a fault, or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.

        When phoning choose the option to report a fault, then ignore all the options offered and you should then be placed into a queue to speak to someone. Best time to call is at 8am when the lines open. 🤞