Forum Discussion

charlestsa's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

Virgin 360 Sound Sync with Samsung OLED TV and Soundbar

I am using the V360 with the above Samsung equipment.Purchased last year.

Virgin customer service are saying that they are not responsible for faults connecting third party equipment despite THEIR equipment being at fault!

Connect via HDMI direct to TV Sound is Fine.

Use HDMI from Samsung TV via ARC to home cinema amp  Sound is Fine.

Connect optical out from Samsung to Soundbar Sound out of sync.

Connect optical out direct from V360 to soundbar and Sound still out of sync.

Samsung HAVE been very helpful and taken over the operation of the TV and confirm that the soundbar is working fine and confirm that the output settings on the V360 are correct


  • Hey charlestsa,

    Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your TV box at the moment. 

    Have the team advised anything other than they cannot help? Have you tried to reset your TV box to see if that can help to refresh the settings on the box?

    Kind Regards,


    • charlestsa's avatar
      Tuning in

      No,but I have rebooted the box several times without success.

      Samsung have been the most helpful since they say that since the Virgin 360 box is out of sync either going through the One Box and direct then the problem must be with the Virgin 360 Box.

      Denon confirms this as well!

      I think it appaling that Samsung and Denon ( both of whom have taken the trouble to do a detailed fault finding ,and in the case of Samsung,a video call are doing their best to sort the problem out but Virgin have no interest. 

      Not surprising that Virgin are bottom of the list when it comes to customer service and Sky are top.

      Hopefully someone in authority will see this reply and do something about it!


      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us charlestsa. I have passed this issue onto our second line faults team, who will look further into this and get back to you directly to discuss this further.

        Kind Regards,


  • Gixerob111's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Does your soundbar have HDMI ARC. If so try TV HDMI ARC to Soundbar HDMI ARC and Virgin box to spare HDMI on TV. Is it still out of sync?

    • charlestsa's avatar
      Tuning in

      Yes it works and not out of sync,but I use the ARC function to get Dolby Atmos from Nefflix to the Denon receiver and use this HDMI to take picture from the Panasonic UB9000 4K Blu Ray player to the TV.

      I can take Digital TV sound via optical and Netfix along with ANY apps without this issue.

      To repeat my earlier point.It is Virgins Box that is causing the problem and THEY should be fixing it !!  I know full well that Virgins customer service is practically non existent but this takes it to a farcical level.

      Perhaps someone in authority at Virgin could advise who they hold responsible for a fault with one of their products?

      • roy247's avatar

        Hi charlestsa,

        Just to add to Gixerob111 post, if your TV and soundbar or receiver are connected using the HDMI-ARC connection's then if you connect the 360 and your Blu Ray player to spare HDMI connectors on your TV, I would think your TV has enough then there is no need to use the optical connection.

        If you want Dolby Atmos from the 360 box you need to use HDMI and 'Follow Content' for any bitstream audio like Dolby Atmos where it's available on content.

        Optical doesn't support Dolby Atmos.

        Edited to add you could also connect the 360 to a spare HDMI connector on your Denon.


  • Hi Charlestsa 👋

    Thanks for getting back to us. Our sincerest apologies that this has been your experience trying to get support with this soundbar issue. 

    As you have mentioned that this did not used to be an issue - when exactly did the soundbar stop working? 

    We have raised this internally as an issue to ensure all routes for support are being exhausted, however we do also appreciate you are expressing a level of dissatisfaction at the service, and support offered so far. 
    On this basis, if you are looking to raise a complaint we can offer some support with this. We will just need to send you a PM to confirm a few account details so we can arrange this for you.

    I will do this for you now - you can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

    Wishing you all the best. 🌞

    • charlestsa's avatar
      Tuning in

      If someone at Virgin would like to check their records they will see that many complaints were raised ,but nothing has happened apart from a call back  to say that the problem was nothing to do with Virgin and once again I was told that they do not support issues with third party equipment.

      Is it too much to ask a senior person at Virgin to listen to all the conversations that I have had regarding this issue,read all the posts and then tell me why Virgin are insistent that a problem with THEIR EQUIPMENT,CAUSED BY THEIR EQUIPMENT,PROVEN BY SAMSUNG,DENON AND MYSELF HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM.

      It seems that the only way that anyone can get a genuine problem resolved with Virgin is to get media attention through consumer pages in  the press,which always results in the problems being addressed and a very unconvincing apology.

      I have been entirely reasonable regarding getting this problem fixed but unless  Virgins attitude changes so this matter can be resolved to my satisfaction this will be the only path left open to myself.

      • Arissa_H's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Charlestsa 👋🏼.

        Thank you for posting and welcoming you back onto our community forum 😊.

        Sorry to see this has happened but I can see our team member has reached out to you on private message, please continue the conversation on there as we will be able to further assist you on there to stop any confusion.  

  • For 42 days I have been battling with Virgin to get a replacement box due to intermittent lip sync Issues using the optical out.

    Today they finally replaced the box and I was informed again that they do not support third party equipment ,but it is the V360 that is the cause of the issue,not the soundbar or external receiver !



    Put simply if you have a proven lip sync problem then Virgin will not put it right. In my case I was able to prove with the help of Samsung and Denon that it was the V360 causing the problem.

    This is a new low for the absolutely appaling customer service from Virgin.

    Not surprising they are bottom of the league again regarding their treatment of customers.

    I cannot think of ANY manufacturer of ANY item that will not accept their product has a fault and expect another manufacturer to sort it out







    • Robert_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      We can see you're currently in a Private Message discussion with my colleague, please respond there to ensure all of the information is kept in one place.



      • charlestsa's avatar
        Tuning in

        I am NOT in private conversation with anyone and wouldn't go down this route anyway.

        The issue needs an official answer on THIS forum not hidden in a private message group.

        Once again I ask a senior manager to post a reply HERE as to why they are adamant that a PROVEN fault with THEIR product is not for them to sort out,but is the responsibility of other manufacturers.