Forum Discussion

xerxes991's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago


Hello just got my TV360 box. I would like to be able to get component output from it, so that I can send signal to a remote TV which has coax aerial lead going to it. I presently do this with my Humax Freesat box, using its SCART output via an RF Modulator box. Obviously not HDMI, but ok for my purposes.
It seems there is no SCART output from the TV360. What are my options please?

Hard wired HDMI lead not practical, and wireless prob no good due to thick walls. 
So, back to my RF Modulator box option. 
Can I get component output from the TV360 by using a HDMI splitter and a HDMI to RCA converter? And would that still give me a good HDMI signal to main TV and a decent RCA which I can send to my remote TV? 
Thx for any pointers. 

    • xerxes991's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks for that - very helpful.  That's the kind of thing I have been looking at, but wasn't sure if I needed the option to change the output scaling. My guess is that it would be a good idea - a shame to get a cheaper one that didn't give an output because I couldn't tweak the settings.

      The other concern is that my RF Modulator box has three RCA inputs (Red, White, Yellow). I assume I need to match that?


      • xerxes991's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Arghh. My mistake - I should have said that I needed a COMPOSITE (3 RCA) not a COMPONENT (5 RCA).  Apologies for that. The only HDMI to Composite converter devices I can see do not mention adjustable output resolutions.  Is that important?


  • xerxes991's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Hello Harry, and sorry for the delay in replying. I decided to bite the bullet and go for a digital modulator, in line with previous advice from Nodrogd.

    So I bought on eBay a Triax MOD103T box. Got it for about £65 (new price about £200, which I didn't think I could justify). The RF output from the Triax connects into my aerial feed and can be used by a TV anywhere else in the house that is connected to the aerial RF system. Of course those TVs would need a tuning scan to pick up the new signal at channel 900 (or whatever). I could have just fed the HDMI through that box and connected the pass through HDMI cable to my TV. That would just have allowed me to replicate the output from the TV360.  But I added a splitter to the signal from the TV360, and then fed one of the two outputs to the TV, and the other to the input of a 3-way switch which then connects into the Triax. Other feeds into the 3-way switch are my old Apple TV Box and my BluRay player. 

    So I can now watch these other feeds on the kitchen TV, or watch the TV360 output. 

    The picture on the kitchen TV is excellent. However the sound was just a horrible buzz.  I seem to have fixed this by changing the Audio settings on the TV360 box to PCM2.0. This might mean that I now have suboptimal sound out of the box, but frankly I haven't noticed. It works beautifully and I'm very pleased with the outcome. 

    Harry, you mentioned the buzzing problem with your analogue solution - it may be worth trying to change the TV360 audio settings from Auto to PCM2.0.

    The only frustration that I now have is that there is about a 1 second delay in the signal at the kitchen TV compared with the main TV, presumably due to the digital processing. I can live with that. 

    • Chris_W1's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi xerxes991, thanks for the message and welcome back to the forums. 

      I am happy to hear that you have managed to get this resolved and if you need anything please let us know. 

      Have a good new year. 


    • HarryH666's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for your further update; apologies that I only just saw this. 
      I've also just found a solution to my dilemma. As per previous, I have an ‘adequate' picture via the Scart out (9 pin DIN) to RCA phone leads into the RF Modulator (connecting to coax). What I’ve just realised is that I only need the 'yellow' RCA to get the picture, so I’ve taken out the red & white, and used another lead from the 3.5 mm auxiliary 'audio out' on the 360 box into the red and white on the modulator instead, and now I have the sound too, to my kitchen TV.

      All is good again 👍🏻

      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        Glad to hear this HarryH666.

        Please do reach out if you need anything going forward.