Forum Discussion

Janemar21's avatar
Joining in
25 days ago

TV360 issues

I am having the same problem, have rebooted but still having problems 


[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread, Janemar21 please add more information]



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person


    It's usually better to start a new thread explaining your issues, than add "me too" to someone else's. It can cause confusion - by all means link to a previous post if it helps.

    What's the problem you're having with your TV360 service?

  • Hi Janemar21 

    Welcome to the Community Forums. 

    Sorry to hear you're having issues with your TV360. 

    Are you able to advise what issues you're personally having and we can assist you further if you still need.