Tv channel add-on
I’ve had an issue with Virgin, my package was due to expire around about today so knowing this I called on January 3rd & sorted everything out then (or so I thought).
I didn’t need anything changed, I was happy with my package. I was asked if there was anything I couldn’t do without & I said sport (my current package had BT/TNT Sports with the Sky Sports add-on), I was told that my broadband speed would go up & that something would be happening with my landline (both of which I didn’t particularly need) & for this my bill would go up £3.50 a month. I’m then charged this month an extra £50 on my monthly bill for the privilege of renewing my package well ahead of any expiry date but told that next months bill will see me get charged £50 less than normal (seems a mental way of doing business).
So this morning I wake up to watch the cricket on TNT & I don’t have the channels! After an hour of waiting I eventually get through to someone on WhatsApp, they inform me that my tv package no longer includes TNT Sports to which I argue that I was never told this & if I had been I would have never accepted to deal.
I’m then offered that they can add it on for £7 or so a month to which I argued again that I shouldn’t have to pay this as I was never told that I wouldn’t be getting this (despite my already small increase in price), anyway, eventually they agree to add TNT Sports by discounting the price from my bill every month but my issue is, that I still don’t have TNTSports!!
Anyone know how long it should take for me to be able watch these channels?
Seems like such a hassle for something that should have been so simple! Nothing needed to change in the first place!
Thanks in advance for any responses.