Couldnt process order
I hadca message appears today about upgrading to 360 for free. I read the stuff and thought why not. Tried to upgrade and keep getting an error TM4/19/10-1-2000000 message that I can't find and asked to try again later. There's also a qr code to scan which takes me to the chat bot but I'm unable to get further for assistance as the bot doesn't recognise what's being typed and wants to discuss anything but what the 360 error is or how to resolve it. Is it worth bothering with if it such a faff to even order?
As a counter point, you do also lose a number of features from the V6 when changing, so it depends what you use the box for, if it's mostly recording the V6 is likely better.
Some of the missing features are as follows; Wishlists (where you can set the box to record programs on certain subjects or featuring certain people), undelete, series link+, series link manager, suggestions, setting of series links for programs not in the current TV guide, ethernet control, keyboard support via USB, turning of the mini-preview screen while browsing menus, switching between tuners with constant buffering, skip-back on fast-forward, quickplay, default recording options, cancelling individual recordings from a series link, multi-channel series links, radio channels allowing recording of radio, separation of recordings between boxes, watching recordings when internet is not available and probably a few others I've forgotten.
Also, extra boxes do not have their own hard disks or tuners (unless converted from a V6 box), so you lose storage space and recording ability and are also reliant on the main box being on to watch and set recordings and also on having a decent wi-fi signal (or ethernet cable) between the two boxes when watching recordings. If the boxes are used by independent family members i.e. older children living at home, then there is also the issue of recordings being pooled across all boxes, so everyone's recordings are mixed up, rather than being separated. This also means that if there is a show that both people watch and one person watches and deletes it then it is gone for the other person as well, and can't be recovered due to the lack of undelete.