360 STILL not smart enough to record on multiple channels
So here we are part way through 2024 with the 360 having had multiple firmware upgrades and it seems its STILL stuck in the stone age...!!!
I have a Series Link for Casualty, which is normally shown on BBC1 HD on a Saturday.
The other week, a single episode was shoved over to BBC2 because BBC1 were showing one of the Euro football matches and as I had guessed, the 360 couldn't cope with this change and so obviously did not record the episode on BBC2 (I just re-watched it on iPlayer anyway but that isn't the point!).
Why do we STILL not have boxes which can identify a small change like this and can carry on recording the Series regardless of which channel its being shown on??!
It is one of the major failings of the 360 over V6/TiVo in that you can not set a series link to record for all channels - but SkyQ is the same.