Forum Discussion

sorethumbs's avatar
On our wavelength
2 months ago

360 heart icons and channels not playing

So getting to grips with 360

In the guide I have all subscribed ribbed channels and unsubscribed greyed out - ok

Of all the channels in the guide most have. 'heart' symbol next to icon/channel name. Not all but most. What is the heart symbol for?

Then down the list just below netflix and prime channels there are a load of channels that don't broadcast anything although they have a listing. I'm talking about channels 220 through to about 254. They just show black screen when selecting the show. What's that all about?

  • sorethumbs's avatar
    On our wavelength

    'Ribbed' was unfortunate side effect of bad predictive text 

    • roy247's avatar

      The heart symbol is usually shown on a profile setting, has a profile been set possibly accidentally, the profile button is on the right hand side of the remote.

      If you go to Settings, Profiles, you have default profile on start-up, Shared is usually the default. 

      Manage channels and you switch or setup a new profile.


      • sorethumbs's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Hi. Yes I have set up a profile to store some 'favourite' channels. Something I used to be able to do on the V6 boxes. However these are just for a few sports and film channels. 

        If I go back to the standard shared profile to see all channels then the majority have the heart icon shown. Definitely not channels I have deliberately selected for my favourites profile. Just a bit weird