Forum Discussion

Parsloes's avatar
Dialled in
12 months ago

Moving but taking Virgin TV with me

In 3 weeks I move from Swansea to London, and am taking my virgin services with me.

When I unplug my TV, do I take the two boxes that are underneath (sorry don't know what they're called!) with me, or will Virgin supply new ones when I get to my new address?  Virgin already knows when I move and to where.

  • You take your TV boxes and your hub (if you've got one). If your new home lacks a wall socket or cables let VM know and you'll get a free manned installation.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you're not sure, take a photo of the boxes you're talking about and post them onto this thread.

    Your TV boxes contain a hard drive which stores all your recorded programmes.