Forum Discussion

Ronata28's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago


On my TiVo box, I have noticed that when a film is on, the volume for the actors is very low, but the music and sound effects can be loud. the volume control has no effect. This happens on all Chanels. 
I have played around with the audio settings but nothing seems to have any effect. Any ideas ?

  • Hello Ronata28,

    Thank you for bring the low vocal sound to our attention.

    With your issue do you notice this on any other content, Say for example if you have a smart TV does this happen on BBC iPlayer? or is it just on our set top box?

    What make and model number Tv do you have?

    Do you have a soundbar attached?

    Have you tried the sound setting on our set top box?  Settings > Audio & Video > Dolby Audio > Follow content?


  • Ronata28's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Thanks for reply, and answering your questions 

    Tv is Samsung Q60, soundbar attached, volume ok on terrestrial Chanel’s, only happens on TiVo box, seems to be older films, cannot turn volume up on TiVo or soundbar, mainly on Drama channel 116, I have tried changing the audio settings. 


    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Ronata28

      Thank you for your response.

      Could you please disconnect the soundbar and check the audio with just our equipment connected?

      Please let us know if the issues persists after doing so.