I've had enough of Virgin!
I had a full day without phone just before Christmas, I spent over £9 on my mobile trying to ger it resolved - WHERE IS THE REBATE ON MY BILL? There ain't any!
The blasted thing is OFF AGAIN today, dead as a dodo, this time I am £15 out of pocket, thanks to the 'testing being done' AND trying to get through.
And you get silly IDIOTS at Virgin in telling me to phone this er that on an 150 number HOW IN BLUE THUNDER CAN I DO THAT when the friggin things not working?
Another problem is half the time you can not understand what is being said!
I am in the process of STOPPING my direct debit in the process I am looking at alternative providers in the meantime.
I want to know exactly HOW MUCH I need to pay to get the hell out....
Virgin have become mediocre and a joke.... Virgin you have my contact deltails - PLEASE DO PHONE when the phone IS working, you KNOW where to send the bills so you KNOW my address, since I have Virgin phone you have MY phone number!