Clear and meaningful process flow porting Landline either 'to' or 'from Virgin Media
Hi all
I've been a customer of VirginMedia for almost 20 years, however the plans offered are not as applicable to our current lifestyle. Smart TVs with their own apps (and our own independent subscriptions) have replaced the V360 Box. I can't remember the last time we used it or turned it on this past eight months.
So we're aiming to look at a new package without Virgin Media (because there are a lot more competitors offering cheaper and faster services for the same price) or with them if a Virgin Media package suits our needs and budget.
We're looking into the detailed process of getting our VM phone number (the number we've had for years) ported from VM to another Fibre provider (or one that is not tied to our future provider, such as Vonage/Sipgate/VoIPify/ Number People/ CircleLoop/ Voipfone/ A&A). That way we can possibly keep our phone with a VOIP provider independently to whoever our broadband provider is.
We are in West London, TW2, and have a vast array of providers coming through the ranks, but am feeling unnerved about losing VM because we don't know their competitors' reputations as we haven't used anyone else but VM. So we are completely reliant on trustpilot and such like to give us good feedback: even then we are not sure those posts are trustworthy either.. Sorry for sounding cynical!
Anyway I'm trying to get my head around the Number porting process with my OTS 'Right to Port' and frankly haven't gotten much information. We seem to be at the behest of the provider we are porting TO and also the one we are porting FROM. Why is it not like with MOBILES where you get a PAC STAC code things?
Can anyone detail what happens when this starts, what needs to be done by both providers, so we get our (current VM) number with another provider? We are out of contract with VM so are not tied-in any more, however understand I will have to keep both accounts active until the number is ported.
When I ported from BT to Sipgate, I filled in some Sipgate supplied forms and they did the transfer. Note however once ported, the BT line was ceased. I imagine that would be simliar to VM, except VM will not make things easy depending on your current contract. If you have a package that includes the phone, I imagine it will be difficult to do, as VM will see this as a contract change that may put you into another 18 month "new" contract. It may be easier just to cancel VM at the time of porting?