Forum Discussion
Hey priteshpatel,
Welcome back to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.
Sorry to hear this is happening with your alarm, normally as you have stated the 2nd port on the Hub would work for landlines, however what you may need to do is check with the alarm company you are with that the setup works with the Hub and landline both plugged in, as some alarm companies don't and would need to provide additional equipment.
- priteshpatel2 years agoJoining in
Hi Joe,
Thanks for coming back to me, the alarm is a stand alone using a simple phone dialler. the issue is that neither home phone or the alarm work in the 2nd port with the 1st port being empty. There is no dial tone when either is plugged in. i would assume either port should work?
- Joseph_B2 years agoForum Team (Retired)
Hey priteshpatel,
Thanks for getting back to me, I would like to look into this deeper with you, for me to do so I will need to confirm some information through for you via private message.
Joe - goslow2 years agoAlessandro Volta
The second port on the hub TEL2 is for if you had a second separate line/number.
If your alarm system was previously just plugged into a telephone wall socket, and uses a simple voice dialler from the alarm panel, you need VM to link your telephone extension sockets to the TEL1 phone connection on the back of the hub. VM should do this free as part of the switchover process.
A standard cut/paste reply to telephone extension socket questions on here is ...
Ask VM (via the VM forum team on here) to modify your home phone wiring so you can use your existing landline extension sockets via the phone connection from the VM hub.
VM should offer to do this free of charge for you as part of the switchover process.
Make sure they make modifications to your phone wiring so you can keep each piece of equipment in the same place (rather than the offer which sometimes crops up on here to move the hub to a different location).
Modifying the phone wiring may require some changes to internal cables in the home. How much work is involved will depend on existing locations of equipment and cable routes alongside any aesthetic considerations.
Refer here
Do I need to book a technician visit? You’ll need to book a free technician visit if...
• You rely on your landline for accessibility needs or don’t have a mobile to make an emergency call – we’ll provide you with an Emergency Back Up Line so you’re always able to call emergency services.
• You’ve got connected devices such as a burglar alarm linked to a control centre, use a telecare device, or have other phones connected to extension sockets. You’ll need to contact your provider and let them know about the switch if you have any of these to make sure they’re compatible with a fibre service.
• The Hub and your home phone can’t be placed near each other.
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