Forum Discussion

Hazbin's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

TV Go app keeps asking for the same device to be registered every time I use the app!

As the title suggests the crappy Virgin TV Go app keeps asking for the same device to be registered over and over again. The device is a new iPhone13 running iOS 17.2.1.

I can watch TV in the app on all of my other devices ok.

I tried phoning customer service to speak to the ‘technical team’ 😂😂😂 then remembered how monumentally useless they are. If they can’t listen to a perfectly constructed sentence in English, understand it and respond accordingly then how the hell can they help with any technical issues. Quite frankly, Virgins pathetic technical team is an embarrassment to the company!!

Anyway, rant over.

Can someone actually help resolve this issue with the TV Go app by resetting the devices or whatever it is that you do to fix this,

And can someone give an adequate reason (other than the TV Go app is utter crap) as to why this has happened???

    • Hazbin's avatar
      On our wavelength

      All I know is, every time I close the app and reopen it on my iPhone, I have to keep re-registering it every time and it’s very **bleep** annoying.

      As usual, virgins tech team have been absolutely useless. As is the norm!

      • Sabrina_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Hazbin 👋.

        Thanks for reaching out to us. Apologies for the issues that you are having with registering your device. Should your iPhone have settings in place not to remember or retain device information it will ask, please also check your online account under your devices to ensure that the device is being registered against your Virgin online account 👉 Devices & Registration help.

        Keep us updated.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I have the same replicable issue with my Android 13 device, so this is not an Apple-specific issue.

    This has been raised via the VIP channel at the back-end of 2013 and there have been some discussions in the closed section of this forum regarding the issue. Unfortunately no fix has yet been forthcoming.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person


    Can you read the thread I linked to in post#2 above, and confirm your symptoms are the same?

    It may help fault-finding if the two threads can both be cited as further examples.

    • Hazbin's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi japitts,

      I had already read the thread linked in your post but it was not necessary for me to reply to you because; a) the symptoms are not the same (the symptoms are as described in my first post), and b) you don’t work for virgin so I’m not wasting more energy than I have to replying to someone who won’t be able to help me.


      • Akua_A's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thank you for your response Hazbin 

        Can you let me know if you get the same issue with the web browser version Has this issue been ongoing since getting the phone? Can you confirm if you are using the lastest version of the app?


  • The same thing happens to me on my android device. I've never cleared the data or cache but everytime I open the app and try to watch something I have to re-register my device. Im on my last registration! Bleeping annoying. 


    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      DP0207 wrote:

      The same thing happens to me on my android device.



      Normally the etiquette on this forum is one-user one-problem one-thread and "me too" posts are best started afresh, but in this case let's assume you have the same issue as is being reported and it's not a single-user one.

      A few bits you may be able to help with..

      1: What Android OS are you running, and do you have any others? Tablets, phones, laptops using the web-interface.. can you check on any/all of them and is the issue only affecting one or several?

      2: If you're re-registering the same device and this is the same issue as is being reported, then the app should still recognise the "repeat" registration as the same device and not use any more of your slots than are already used. Are you saying this is not happening?

      3: Can you get your device diagnostics from the app settings > Diagnostics menu, and copy them into this thread?

  • I have the same issue regarding registering my android 13 device every time i go to watch something. It doesn't register my device multiple times when i do. I shouldn't be prompted to do so. It only takes a second of my time so for me, no hassle. You certainly seem annoyed and angry about it. The virgin staff and jappits are only trying to help you. Maybe take some time out in a darkened room, calm down and appreciate people are just trying to help you.

    • Hazbin's avatar
      On our wavelength

      To Akua_A,

      No I won’t be doing what you request as I NEVER use a browser to watch the virgin TV service and I refuse to do your fault finding for you and your lazy colleagues. Why don’t you get your laughable ‘tech team’ 😂 to fault find instead as that’s there job, you fool!

      • Paulpal67's avatar

        Deary deary me, you really are one angry guy 🙄 Don't be a sucker and cancel virgin and stop wasting everyone's time. I'm sure virgin won't miss you or your money and this forum certainly won't miss you. Have a nice day

    • Hazbin's avatar
      On our wavelength

      To Paulpal67,

      Maybe you should mind your business and stick your opinion you know where, eh!!

      Show me here where ANYBODY has replied with a useful answer you [removed]!!

      If you’re that much of a sucker that you want to make do with a problem that virgin can’t be bothered to get fixed then you’re probably one of their customers who pays the full price when your discounts end. You sound like that type of person, you know, a clueless moron with no backbone!!

      Do you wish to discuss your [removed] rating?

      The end.

       [MOD EDIT: Inappropriate language removed, please review the Forum Guidelines]

  • Going by your language and insults, you really do come across as aggravated and seriously have anger management issues all because you aren't getting the answers you want. You're full of assumptions in your responses. I will leave it there and hope you get the help needed in participating in grown up conversations without the need of throwing insults at people.

    • ModTeam's avatar

      Hi All, 

      Please remember to keep all post's polite and courteous; we want the community to remain a friendly and helpful place for all our users. 

      Please don't continue to make off-topic posts in this thread, as it doesn't help the OP solve their issue. If you want to continue a discussion, please either take it to Private Messages or discuss in our Chatter forum. Please also note that further off-topic posting may result in individual warnings, review the Forum Guidelines for more information.
