Forum Discussion

loscassidy76's avatar
Dialled in
5 months ago

Audio description on channel 4 via watching channel 4

For some reason channel 4 has audio description on at random points and I can’t switch it off. It only happens on channel 4. I’m watching it on my window 11 laptop. 

  • Hello loscassidy76,

    Thanks for your post and welcome back to our community.

    Sorry to hear about audio description appearing intermittently on channel 4.

    Are you viewing channel 4 directly on there app? Or are you going through our TV Go App here 


  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    loscassidy76 wrote:

    For some reason channel 4 has audio description on at random points and I can’t switch it off. It only happens on channel 4. I’m watching it on my window 11 laptop. 

    Sorry I forgot to respond to this post.

    I tested this on Tuesday night just after you posted loscassidy76 

    The program being broadcast then was Great British Bake Off  - the info button on my 360 said that the program had audio description, however this had to be turned on when watching on the 360 box.

    I tested the same program on my computer and also on my android tablet using TVGo and both of those devices played the program with audio description already on and it couldn't be turned off.

    • loscassidy76's avatar
      Dialled in

      yeah via tvgo it says its off but it isnt. only seems to do AD too, its odd. for example you see  2 women walking and will say a woman in green walks down the street, 

      • John_GS's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi loscassidy76 

        Thanks for coming back to the thread. Is this only via certain programs? I've just tried it now and no issues.

        Best wishes.

  • just watching a place in the sun and that doesnt have audio description yet some adverts do. very odd

    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Odd indeed. 

      We've raised this to be investigated on our side and should get a response after the weekend. 

      We'll come back here with any updates when available.