Slow speeds after 1gb update
Hi guys, I know many posts like this have been posted however mine is slightly different I think.
I recently cancelled virgin 500meg package and have joined back a couple months later on their 1gb package,
I used to get speeds of 512 meg over WiFi on my phone, firestick etc, however now the very maximum I'm able to get is 300.
Samknows says I'm getting 1145 at the router but even stood next to the router I can no longer get anything over 300meg.
I run diagnostics and it says there are problems with your WiFi, and I run them on virgins broadband checker online and it tells me to reset my hub which I've done several times but still the problem seems to persist.
Has anyone had a similar problem and overcome it? I realise I won't get my devices to show download speed of 1gb and that's not a problem but when it's anything from 50-75% slower than before something must be wrong somewhere, any advice appreciated.
The challenge with wireless is technology moves on with different standards. So, the HUB 5 will have different wireless standards than the HUB 4 you had previously.
Roughly speaking you should see around 2/3 - 3/4 of the connection speed as your download speed to each device.
On top of that the pods aren't great so won't provide very fast speeds (minimum guaranteed is only 30Mbps).