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Saifk0123's avatar
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18 days ago

Slow speed need help

Hi there guys, after connecting with virgin media 1gig package my speed has not gone up from 500 mbps. Some people may say that you can do this that and anything with that but it’s not what I have paid for. 

does anyone know what I can do to improve this please? 

I can show more information if needs be thanks.


  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    What is showing on the Hub configuration tab?

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    So the Hub is configured correctly for the 1Gb service.  How are you speed testing? Have you tried SamKnows Realspeed ?

    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      I am getting 500-600 but I am paying for 1gig. Realistically I should be getting 1gig if that’s what I am paying for. People can argue that 5-600 is good but it’s not what I’m paying for I can downgrade and get better etc 

    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      Is there any chance I can change the width frequency because it doesn’t let me it’s currently on a different frequency maybe that’s why.

      • carl_pearce's avatar
        Community elder

        So, you are seeing full speed over the VM network to your HUB, which is actually what you are paying for.

        VM only guarantee 30Mbps to each device:

        Assuming you are using WiFi, it's the limitation of your devices.

        You need to check the speed each device is connected to the HUB under 'Connected Devices' in the HUB settings.

  • You are getting 1Gb+ to your hub. I would be very happy with those speeds. 

    Only thing VM could possibly do is if you consistently get less than 30Mbps VM may send you pods. But even these pods are proprietary devices, so better to just have your own networking equipment and to keep as much of your home network in your control with your own equipment.

    Even proper router manufacturers and actual device manufacturers themselves will never guarantee WiFi speeds so it's impossible for a third party such as VM to guarantee WiFi speeds.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Yet another person buys far more internet speed than they have a clue how to use ! 

    Odds on that 99% plus of the available bandwidth will go to waste.

    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for commenting nothing useful and thanks for the assumption if you’ve got nothing useful to comment then don’t comment 

    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      I was a customer with virgin media before and used to hit 950-1000mbps but now it’s not the case I was just trying to see what people’s thoughts are on why the speed has changed and if anyone is facing the same issues! 

  • I was just trying to see what people’s thoughts are on why the speed has changed and if anyone is facing the same issues!

    Could be any number of reasons.

    Is your device certified to 802.11ax? I believe the Hub 5 is 802.11ax so if you pair a device which is also certified 802.11ax you will get the most benefit of 802.11ax. One benefit of 802.11ax is better resistance to interference.

    Also, If you are in a terraced houses and both your neighbours flood the area with 10 APs broadcasting 160Mhz wide channels, everybody suffers. Maybe when you previously had 1Gb there was just less interference?

    We can only guess without knowing your situation. How far are you from the hub when you get 145Mbps? Have you tried testing within 1m of the Hub?

  • Also, if you have legacy devices connected to your Hub over WiFi, it can reduce the overall speed and make it slower for all your other devices. Try disconnecting all other devices and test with only your most modern/fastest device connected.

    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      Hi thanks I understand where you're coming from with the previous points. Is it possible that because recently as I was connected with Vodafone, their connection outside of the house is still connected whereas inside I have disconnected the connection to the box and power. Is it possible that their service may interfere with VM as it is still connected? If you know what I mean or has that not got anything got to do with it?


    • Saifk0123's avatar
      Joining in

      Yes I think it’s by coaxial from outside connectcon4.9 and again inside coaxial new one from VM

      • legacy1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        What about from hub to your device?