Forum Discussion

lxHelix's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

Fibre 130 speed question

So, I have recently taken out a contract with Virgin Media for the Fibre130.

I have speed checked using aswell as had it checked by the engineer which installed it today.

I was just curious regarding the speeds, I was under the assumption that I would be getting the full speed of 130mb when downloading a game from Steam however its only giving me 16.7mbps 

I know that its sometimes under megabits per second rather that megabytes however i was under the assumption that I would get the full 130mb while downloading rather than the speed I am getting (16.7)


I know this is probabaly a silly question but I just wanted to check more than anything as I had always thought fibre was the full package speed not a percentage of it like I had previously with a different company before my upgrade.

  • Steam displays download speeds by default in bytes. 16.7 * 8 for the 8 bits in a byte = 133.6 Mbit/s.


  • Steam displays download speeds by default in bytes. 16.7 * 8 for the 8 bits in a byte = 133.6 Mbit/s.


  • Hi lxHelix 

    Welcome to the community forums 

    Thanks for joining us here and posting your question regarding your speeds. 

    We can see that a community member looks to have answered your query with how Steam displays speeds and hope this has resolved any concerns you had. 

    Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 

    • IPFreely's avatar
      Fibre optic

      MasterOfArts1 wrote:

      Have you deffo got FTTP as 130 is rather slow for full fibre (FTTP) 👍

      Yeah I'm in an XGSPON Nexfibre area and they're offering me M125 with an average speed of 132.