Forum Discussion
- JTC652On our wavelength
The Volt applied boost will not less than 14 days from when you upgraded!
I did write a post on this sometime ago as I felt that it was an unfair practice that you would not receive the service boost until you were outside the 14 day cooling off period.
It was a little different for me as they promised a speed uplift (m500 from m350) if I took a new number from O2, I then discovered that these incentives do not get applied until 14 days later. I also discovered that you don’t get synchronous upload on Volt contracts, which was the deal breaker for me.- AdduxiVery Insightful Person
You only get synchronous upload with 1 & 2GB XGS-PON (Nextfibre areas) and even then it's an additional cost.
- JTC652On our wavelength
You are incorrect, in XGS-PON areas synchronous upload is available on any level of service, as detailed in VMs own press release.
- sonax04Joining in
Thanks for the response, this was my concern with virgin media as this would take me past the 14 days cooling-off period. just spoke to customer service and the lady did not have a clue about the speedboost. I had to refer her to virgin media own web page. now they are saying you only get the speedboost once. looks like I will have to wait and see.
- Kath_PForum Team
Hi sonax04,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums. ⭐
We're sorry to hear you're waiting on a Volt speed boost. These boosts are only applied once. If you've had a boost previously and are already on a Volt speed before upgrading, then you would not be boosted any further.
Many thanks,
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