XGS-PON Go Live Date
Hi All,
First post here, hopefully I'm in the right place!
Nexfibre have been in my area installing the latest XGS-PON infrastructure, had a few chats with the engineers who confirmed its Virgin Media's new infrastructure, and that they are using Openreach PIA to run their cables to minimize disruption.
One of the engineers told me that once i see the black boxes installed at the top of the telephone poles, they have been commissioned and the install is complete. (My house is fed via ducts in the ground but he said this is just a sign we have done our works, as mine will be in the ground) - He did say we only have a few days left in the village which was last week.
As of now, my postcode does not return anything for Virgin, i get the 'keep me posted' screen. Phoned up and on a 'separate system' they can see the build shows as 'planned' but couldn't tell me anything else.
I guess my question is, does anyone know the activation time for XGS-PON from when the works were complete to actually being able to receive a service to their address?
Broadband is miserable, people are miserable, and I think a lot of people are looking forward to moving away from Openreach's 'fibre' 20mbps connection! 😄