XGS-PON - lack of training is very frustrating.
I have had a rather frustrating morning!
Yesterday evening, I decided that I would upgrade from M350 with ‘upload speed add-on’ so getting matching upload and download speeds.
It’s not possible to do this online for some reason, so entered into a chat. I specifically requested that the upgrade was to continue with ‘upload speed add-on’.
The upgrade took place, but the add on did not. This is where the issues started, tried using the utterly useless chat, got past ‘Terri Bot’ by entering random characters and started chatting with an agent, who told me that the add on didn’t exist. Despite me posting the details from VMs own website, they said ‘no such service exists’ I ended the chat.
Eventually got through and spoke to someone in one of the offshore centres, who again said there is no such add on, following up with ‘no company offers this service’ utter rubbish.
Requested to speak to a more knowledgable person, eventually spoke to the retentions team in Sheffield, who was very helpful, basically the upgrade had been incorrectly processed and as a result the option to add the add on, basically it had been processed as a standard connection and not an XGS-PON upgrade.
This shows how poor VM’s training in their support departments is and how poor their support systems are in allowing incompatible service be provisioned on there delivery computer systems.
The chat system is terrible, you can’t get past the stupid bot, it just send you to the web site, which can’t deal with XGS-PON installations so sends you back to the useless chat bot. The offshore support don’t know the products being offered, the support systems they use don’t help them.
Dogged determination and persistence got it sorted, but what should have been a tick box on my account page, turned into an hour on the phone and two failed chats. Ultimately it was resolved by the retention guy who sorted it, he was located in Sheffield and knew the products being offered.
No point in starting a complaint, as the online form stops working when you get to putting your name in, instead of paying licensing for piped music, I would suggest that this money could be used to improve customer facing systems.