Upload speed slow
I now have the hub5 did have the hub 4 and the upload speeds are are much slower on wifi on hub 5 compared to the Hub4.
I pay for 1gig 110up and only get 38-40on wifi and hub 4 more like 70-90 sometimes 100.
So it seems like hub5 average upload is much slower then the hub 4 avarage what can I do I contacted virgin they are not contacting me back which they said they would.
They were going to contact to see how my upload speeds are going to monitor my speeds.
Do I need a technician as I realry see 80mbps on upload on wifi and never got 100 that much even on wired I've seen it a few times but a few times means 3 times.
The guy said everything looked good and to give the hub 24 hrs when I installed I did I saw 100mbps lots now only see 50 and no bearly no more.
Upload speeds are pain but the downloads are hugely much better since getting Hub 5.
Bring on hub5 for Dow load and ping and bring on Hub4 for upload speeds.