Upgrading from BT.. power supply and other issues
I hope this will be picked up by someone at VM, as there have been many poor-quality issues.
1. The first team came to connect fibre to my house said it couldn't be done (distance too far for the cable). I was told an engineer would need to do a site visit, but my order was then 'lost' and nothing happened.
2. The second team arrived three months later. The could fit the cable with no problem. The first team came on a Friday afternoon; I guess they wanted to clock off early!?!
3. Had to wait a long time for the engineer's visit (as expected). He installed the kit with no problem, but as I have thick walls, it needed the WiFi booster (as confirmed with the VM Connect app). However, the engineer doesn't have any of those, so although the main WiFi was installed, I could not get WiFi everywhere. Trying to get the booster order was a nightmare. Many hours on support chat and support calls. Eventually got one ordered.
I was still having to run the BT service at the same time as VM... which turned out to be a good thing.
4. As a day or two after the new Hub 5X was installed, the power supply failed! No VM internet.
5. Again, many hours trying to contact support. Unfortunately, a replacement power supply could not be sent out due to the open delivery order of the WiFi booster! This is rediculous VM. Internet is down due to faulty equipment and you can't send out the replacement????
6. Eventually, the WiFi booster turned up. But guess what? No power supply in that box!!! This booster for the Hub 5X requires a separate power supply and does not plug directly into the power socket. So... back on to support.
7. However, even though the booster has been delivered, the 'order' is still open on the system.
So I now have two useless pieces of VM kit that need new power supplies, and VM can't order the replacements!!
It's a good job I didn't cancel BT. I was not expecting to have to pay for two internet providers though!