Service incorrectly terminated, tech support repeatedly fail to fix it
I recently changed my address. I switched my broadband service to the new address via the "Moving Home" pages on the website, and this switch was successfully completed.
Now 2 months later my service has been disconnected suddenly with only 1 day's warning. It turned out from a conversation with the tech support that my address was never updated in VM's systems, and the new residents at the old address reported me as no longer resident. This is despite VM successfully providing service at my new address.
The tech support told me that this was resolved and I would be reconnected but this never happened. I followed up and found the reconnection request had failed because...they still didn't update my address in their systems, despite me explicitly being told this was fixed.
And now I'm getting emails telling me to return my equipment which I can't even do because the packaging has also been sent to the wrong address.
I've spent hours waiting for the terrible web chat service, with no success and no broadband, all to try to fix VM's mistake. It is a terrible service and there appears to be no hope of me getting reconnected. I'm posting here in a last hope that there may be some way to fix it, but I expect I have to leave Virgin Media and I recommend others avoid them to escape issues such as these.