No set top box
I've no set top box. I joined VM on 23rd July for BB and TV. The engineer brought a router which is fine but took my sky cable out and plugged their VM cable into my old Sky Q box and Sky want it back. It has also meant we cannot use Virgin Go. I phoned VM and got passed from pillar to post. Through 5 different people, 4 departments and for over 3 hours of total frustration. Noone really understood what I was talking about. Eventually the penny dropped ( I think) someone said a box would be posted out to me but nothing has arrived and am not sure even now they got what I was talking about as one person asked for the serial number of the VM set top box that wasn't even here. I have no idea how to make it any clearer I have no box. There is only so many ways I can say it. Has anyone else had this issue and how did you resolve it? I will have no TV service soon as I have to send the sky q box back to Sky. Thanks.