Forum Discussion

MartynV's avatar
Tuning in
9 months ago

No install confirmation

Hi, I gather this question has been asked before but I can’t see if any have been resolved.

i ordered broadband and stream tv a few weeks back with an installation date of Friday 7th June (yesterday). Since ordering I’ve had nothing back apart from contract documents, direct debit info etc. I have cancelled my Sky package on the understanding that Virgin would be getting installed on the given date. I tried the WhatsApp chat line who were helpful but they coildnt really do anything for me, they gave me a number to ring but I was on hold for ages and had to hang up in the end.

whats my best course of action to try and get this resolved?

    • MartynV's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thank you, I wasn't given that number so I will give it a try.

      The install date I chose was 7th June but in my account it is still showing as NaNaN which I gather means not arrnged or something on those lines. Bit disappointed, why offer install dates for you to choose only then to just go competely silent.

      • goslow's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        Is the 7 June installation date one which VM confirmed in writing to you (when VM said it would send a tech to install your equipment and activate your services)?

        Or is the 7 June date simply the date you chose when you signed up?

        Any compensation applies from the 'date initially confirmed in writing' by VM to 'activate a customer’s fixed line or broadband service'. The missed appointment compo would apply when VM has told you to be in and when VM subsequently failed to turn up.

  • Thanks for the reply, the 7th June was never confirmed it was just a date I was able to choose when I was signing up to be a new customer. Like I said, why offer installation dates when they have no desire to honour them?

    • goslow's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      The offer of an installation date is nothing more than you expressing your preference. It gets you onboard and signed up and you have now cancelled Sky on the assumption that your VM service is on the way (which is good for VM). The dates offered should bear some relation to the reality of VM actually being able to install but that's not how VM rolls.

      Do you need a new VM cable bringing to your home as part of the installation process?

  • Yes, it needs running across from the telegraph pole to our house. A friend in the village had his install date honoured btw.

    • Zach_R's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi MartynV,

      Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

      I'm sorry to hear you're having a little bit of trouble regarding an install request. Did you reach out and speak to the pre-installation team about this as has been suggested earlier in this thread? If so, what have they advised on the matter?


      • MartynV's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi, no I haven't called them yet as I've been working away from home, I'm hoping to call them in the next couple of days.

  • Well 2 1/2 months since I signed up and still nothing, it's absolutely pathetic customer services by Virgin.

    To top it off, I'm pretty sure the guy across the road had his installation done ages ago, I can see his cable from the Virgin terminal box going over to his house, it seems like I've just been lost in the system somewhere. All my friends in the village had their installations done a few couple of weeks after signing up.

    Looks like cancellation is my only option now as I don't like having the p*** taken out of me.

    • Megan_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi MartynV, 

      Thanks for coming back to us about your delayed install, I'm sorry to hear about your delayed install that's still ongoing 😥

      I can see from your services that you may have already spoken to someone about this recently, could you confirm if that's the case please?

      If yes, could you tell us what they mentioned please? 



      • MartynV's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks for the reply. I called the pre install team again this morning who were much more helpful this time. I think they said one of my neighbours hasn’t agreed permission for the cable to be installed on their property (must be going to their house then over to mine) so that’s what the delay is. Not sure why they are going to a neighbours house first as it is farther from the termination box than mine is. I have a survey engineer booked to come again tomorrow morning so we’ll take it from there.

  • Well after another 6 weeks of getting the run around by the pre installtion team I've finally given up and cancelled the order. They wanted to send out yet another surveryor lol, like the 3rd guy could somehow get it right. Really really amateurish service from the install team, 4 months in and they still couldn't even give me a date despite all my neighbours being connected up now.

    Oh well, at least I'll get a cracking deal with Sky 😄

    • Tom_W1's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi MartynV thanks for your reply here.

      We're really sorry that it did come to this for you, please accept our sincerest apologies although we do wish you well for the future.

      Many thanks