Forum Discussion

Qyaunos1's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

New connection


For the last 3 years since moving to the house I have patiently waited for VM to activate fibre at my address but nothing as of yet.

I have just found out that a neighbour who lives 50 feet away under a different postcode is able to access virgin media whereas I can't.

I live on a private road but from when city fibre laid their cables I know that there is already access from main comms cabinet on the main road to my property. 

Can someone please look in to this for me because I'm desperate to get away from Vodafone broadband?


As I said, I'm less than 50 feet away from a neighbour who can access VM and I don't see why I should be penalised because I live at a different postcode.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM are always very reluctant to run their cables in private roads, mainly due to problems getting permission/wayleaves. This may be why they have missed out your road. Has Cityfibre cabled your road? 

    • Qyaunos1's avatar
      Joining in

      Yes they have cabled it. It was actually really easy for them without digging anything up. The private road comes off of a busy main road. The comms thing is in the ground literally at the entrance to my road. When city fibre cabled it they said that ducting had already been laid to a comms thing in the ground which is on the private road (right outside my drive), and there's further ducting connecting this to my house. So all they've had to do is push the cables through. The worst thing about this is that our private road is in between the 2 neighbours which live on the main road. 

      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hey Qyaunso1, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community, I am so sorry to hear about this.

        Let me send you a DM to take some details, once filled in the specialist team will take around 14 working days to reach out. 

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Have you asked Cityfibre for a quote ? Why the insistence about VM if Cityfibre is, apparently, already available?

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Cityfibre will give you full fibre, FTTP.

    Unless VM have very recently upgraded the main road, they won't be able to. 

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    VM has a lot of independent legacy infrastructure, which is only quoted as “fibre” as it is capable of fibre speeds. Less than 1% of the network is actually full fibre, & the majority of this is being built by NexFibre in brand new areas that were previously unserved.

    If VM has been around for several years this will be legacy HFC network that was only built with a finite capacity. As per the above post, VM has never cabled private roads owing to the complicated wayleave agreements required. They will also not share infrastructure on HFC due to the large diameter coaxial cables used.