New broadband installation, Hub 5 (Requesting CM IP Address)
Hi there,
A Virgin Media engineer attended my property today to do my cabling and broadband installation.
When he finished and everything was plugged in, it seemed like I had Internet. However on his way out, he noticed the cable had been punctured from the stapler, and decided to cut the cable and put a connector to prevent any issues with the cable been potentially damaged.
Once he finished doing that, he then left advising me to restart my router and the Internet should be back up and running.
It's been 3-4 hours now and I can see from the router's admin page, it's been stuck at "Requesting CM IP Address" and doesn't connect to the Internet (blue light flashing).
I called Virgin as soon as I noticed the issue and they promised me a callback within one hour, but that hasn't happened yet (3-4 hours already passed).
Can someone look into this and assist me with the resolution of the problem? It's a shame really, having issues from the first day of my installation, and the thing is that I do need Internet for work purposes and I need this rectified as soon as possible!
Many Thanks,