Forum Discussion

jonathanw27's avatar
On our wavelength
11 months ago

Move Virgin Cable Entry Point


I need my Virgin cable entry point moved to a more appropriate location. I understand there's a £25 charge for this which I'm happy with, so could a Virgin representative contact me to arrange a date for an engineer visit?

Many thanks,

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    You are correct, it's a £25 fee.  If you wait here a day or two a VM Mod should pick this up and discuss directly with you.

  • Hello jonathanw27.

    Thanks for your post regarding moving the location of your entry point.

    We have checked your other post here and can see you have already arranged this.

    If you can let us know how the visit goes on either post, that would be great.

    Were here if you need anythi9ng else at all.


    • jonathanw27's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Gareth, yes Peter the engineer visited on Tuesday & moved the point for me.  Did a great job.



      • Robert_P's avatar
        Forum Team

        Brilliant, thanks for the update and glad the visit went well.


        If you need us again in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out via the forums.

