Forum Discussion

Chaddy_v6's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

Hub5x Loss of fibre conection losing Pings Adv Settings Tools 50% Ping loss to


A new install 27th Dec 2023, started to be used more now I'm back working from home.
I noticed lossing connections to remote equipment i use, did a simple ping check to find i'm losing 50% of the pings!!
These were tested directley on the Hub5x Web Console \ Adv Settings\ Tools\ping 30 to only 50% are successful!!?? Tried online testing " currentley not available" ??

Can anyone suggest or help? 

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Try checking with Area faults on 0800 561 0061 or if you have a VM landline 150 as small local faults are not listed on the VM status page.

    Post the power levels, Pre and PostRS errors and network log from the Hub, if there are any?  The 5X is a new Hub, so not that familiar with it.

    Also setup a BQM to monitor your circuit

    Once done we can comment.

    • Chaddy_v6's avatar
      Tuning in

       log full of ip6 config missing errors so not much good.

       not sure what the PON values mean?

      • Chaddy_v6's avatar
        Tuning in

        A directly connected via Ethernet laptop only gets 360-480mbs speed tests depending on time of day on my 1Gb service. This isn’t good, right?

  • Hey Chaddy_v6,

    Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums.
    I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your connection at the moment. I have looked into this and can see that you will need to have a technician visit as per the test test that I have ran on our system, I can arrange the appointment from here but would need to confirm a few details via a private message, that I will drop over in a moment. Please look out for the private message and we can get started.
    Kind Regards,

  • Turns out it was dirty fibre connections, technician cleaned the one outside the house after Failed scope test.

    all good so far