Forum Discussion

Sherrywood's avatar
Joining in
4 months ago

Delayed installation - Constant lies

We moved house on the 1st November and two weeks prior to that, let Virgin know we wanted to take our services with us when we moved. Virgin scheduled an installation on the 4th November and we thought that was it, how wrong we were…

For clarity, we let Virgin know the exact date we moved in, but for some reason they attempted to start the external works long before we did, giving us or the previous owner no notice that they were doing this. As we hadn’t moved in yet, and the previous owner having no idea why some strange group of men were digging up her garden, she rightfully made them leave.

We received an automatic message on the 3rd letting us know our installation might have been delayed, and it took a phone call to Virgin to find out why. They’d had to delay but said they’d send around a surveyor on the 5th to take a look and give us an idea of what needed doing.

The surveyor was a blessing, genuinely the only helpful person in all of this. He phoned the contractor at Avonline to update them and requested a note go on our account to get them to come back out to finish the external works, and that if they did that in the morning, Virgin could come and do the internal works the same afternoon. He said they’d take about 48 hrs.

Where it all goes wrong. After waiting a few days, we phone Virgin as we’ve heard nothing back since talking to the surveyor, Virgin tell us they’ve scheduled us in for the 19th November! Almost 3 weeks without a service we’re paying for. This is despite being told it would just take a few days.

We keep up the contact, phoning for updates and have been told day in and day out that the contractor will arrive each day only to have to phone up again to tell them they didn’t show up. Every time, we’re offered £30 compensation for a missed appointment but on the 4th day of missed appointments we’re told that only one of the £30 compensations has been applied to the account.

At this point we’re just fed up of the constant lying by customer service staff. They seemingly have no idea when or if Avonline are coming. They lie about applying compensation after missed appointments and now to top everything off, our complaint that we raised has now been closed because our account is apparently inactive.


  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You seem to have worked out most of this for yourself already but FWIW ...

    Your story has been repeated hundreds of times on here in multiple variations of 'delayed installation' complaints. A wide and deep communication chasm exists between VM and its installation sub-contractors. Once the sub-contractor is tasked with the job, they seem to be pretty much left to get on with and VM his little/no interest, involvement or influence on what happens, based on evidence from many similar past descriptions on here.

    As a result, when you sepak to VM about the installation, they know nothing at all other than the next date that pops up on their screen (which has been described as nothing more than a 'placeholder' in the past on here). A word that is regularly repeated by the agents is that they 'guarantee' the installation will happen on the day they tell you but such guarantees are worthless as they are not based on any practical reality.

    The £30.49 missed appointment charge is payable when VM tells you that you have to be in for an appointment but fails to show without giving you at least 24 hours notice. Compensation payments are supposed to be made with 30 days of your connection being activated. Beware of VM agents offering 'goodwill' payments along the way instead of auto compensation as these are typically much less than the actual compo due under the auto comp scheme.

    Hopefully you have familiarised yourself with the auto compensation scheme

    and are keeping detailed notes of everything that has happened to ensure you are paid the correct amount. Keep notes in a timeline format of all VM's failures with links from the timeline to supporting evidence (texts, screenshots, emails etc.).

    You will find many past topics on here where VM has failed to pay up what was owed under the auto comp scheme and the customer has had to go to arbitration to get paid the correct amount which is why you need to document everything as you go along.

    A VM forum person will reply to your topic within a few days. Every so often they can manage to kick start a stalled installation but their efforts seem to be constrained by the broken and dysfunctional installation process that VM has created for itself.

  • Thanks for reaching out to us Sherrywood, and a very warm welcome to our Community Forums!

    Sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the pending installation of the services at your new property.

    I'd be happy to have this looked into for you to see if we can gain some clarity as to when this is due to take place for you.

    Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me

