VM completely ignoring my reports of fraudulent access to account
1 year ago i informed Vm that the account holder details on my fathers account had been removed and replaced with somebody else's name
VM allowed this person who called them to change the account holder to change passwords and login details of the my fathers emails which then allowed them to review all the emails relating to financial institutes and accounts in my fathers name which then allowed them to visit login portals and hit forgot password which then allowed access to other accounts which over a very short period it became apparent that i as power of attorney was locked out off many accounts in dads name, as they had changed all the login details, passwords, memorable words, phases, security question etc,etc virgin would not entertain my calls
I have pleaded, i have call their support many times (the last being 4 calls to support last week) and cried fraud, unauthorised access, unauthorised changes to account, i cried GDPR, hacking of mails,, i exhausted every red flag keyword I know in an attempt kick start a investigation or as a minimum to call me back, alas despite over 8 calls to them and onlinecomplaint form submittal VM have ignored my reports,. on the first call to VM in JULY last year they stated someone had called them stating the account holder was suffering from dementia and the caller needed to take them off the account,,this was a total lie but VM made the changes. i have been promised call back after call backs from the fraud team but i am still waiting....this is how serious VM take fraudulent actors