Unable to register for a My Virgin Media Account
I’m trying to register for a My Virgin media account, when I registered for my own broadband service for my new house, I used my @ntlworld email to sign up which was set up on my dad’s account when the family first got broadband over 10 years ago.
When I try and register for the my Virgin Media account and put in my own account number and area code the login says “we have found you” but when I log in with the @ntlworld e-mail address and password it goes to my dad’s account which has completely different account number and area code.
I have also tried creating a new account using a Gmail email address for registering with my own account number and area code it says an account already exists and shows my @ntlworld email address with every other character blocked out.
I spoke to one of the support team who said there was no “My Virgin Media“ account associated with my service and this was confirmed by trying the “I have forgotten my e-mail” option and putting un my DOB, account number and area code and I get ” We haven't been able to find your details with the information you have provided”
So at the moment I’m stuck and unable to access or create an account so I can manage my broadband service.
Hi Blue32,
Thanks for chatting with me in our PM's, now that I've amended the email could you try registering for your Online Account again for me please?
Let me know if you still encounter any issues and I'll be right here for you!