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Carlos19731's avatar
On our wavelength
11 months ago

Tv packages available with my Virgin TiVo Box

Hello I currently have a Virgin Media TiVo box with Maxit tv + Kids as an add-on package for my virgin television running alongside this with a M250 broadband package and a Weekend Chatter phone line this contract runs out shortly in the next few months and I am currently looking at options of contract renewal. Could somebody tell me if the Mix package and Full house package are still available through the Virgin TiVo box  with the full house package, including TNT sports 🤔 as I am finding it very confusing to see what packages are available and what isn’t available it seems to depend on what type of box you have for example TiVo, Stream or M360 Box 🤔 I am very happy with my broadband and phone line packages, but there seems to be such a difference with the TV side dependent on what type of Virgin box you own and what channels are available on it 🤔
any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks 🙏🏼 

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi Carlos19731 

    You can check which box you currently have << here >> 

    The old tivo box is not capable of showing UHD channels, but the other boxes are.

    The Disney + and Paramount + apps are only available on the 360 and  Stream boxes.

    Amazon Prime is available on all boxes except the older tivo. 

    TNT is now only available as a stand alone addon (since September 2023) for new customers and those regrading or recontracting. It's currently £18 per month**, although you may be able to get it for less as part of contract negotiations

    The Mix package and Full house package are now obsolete. 

    The Mixit and the Mega tiers are the only tiers now available to new  customers and those regrading or recontracting .(When you recontract VM will move you to the nearest equivalent tier unless you specifically ask for one).

    You can check which channels are available on those tiers on the following page 


    ** There is currently a special promotion of TNT Sports for £5 a month for 18 months for customers that have the Stream box.  The Stream box is IP based (the TV channels are steamed over the internet) and is only available to those customers that have broadband with VM. It's one box per household and can't be taken in conjunction with any other VM TV box. 

    Details of the various add ons for the Stream box are shown on < this page>  (it hasn't been updated to show the reduced promotional cost of TNT Sports yet)

    The free  channels, and the subscription (£15 a month extra) add on channels (Essential Entertainment tier) on the Stream box are shown on the following page:-


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Also there is no difference in the packages available between box types. In other words, many VM sales agents may try to convince you that some deals are only available with a TV360 box. The only time that's true is where the package includes Disney+ or Paramount+

    In any other case, any package is available with any box - although you would do very well to negotiate an upgrade to the newer V6. It runs the same software as your TiVo, but on a much newer, more capable, box.

    TV360 is a completely different platform and is fundamentally not TiVo. Many agents call this an upgrade - it's only this if you consider a migration from Apple to Android (or vice-versa) is also an upgrade.

  • My experience of contract renewal is that I always get a better deal by calling and choosing the "tell us you're moving" option. You will probably be offered an upgrade to the 360 which, despite what some people say, works perfectly well.

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Roger_Gooner wrote:

      You will probably be offered an upgrade to the 360 which, despite what some people say, works perfectly well.

      I'd go further and suggest it's a racing certainty you'll be offered a migration to TV360.

      As a TV box OS, it performs the functions for which it's designed. It can't sensibly be called an upgrade without knowledge of which TiVo/V6 functions you use. There are many pros & cons of both.

  • The V6 versus the 360 is a matter for debate, but both are a big upgrade on the TiVo which the OP has.