Short and sweet it is then. Rubbish Company
So, Been with Virgin a while off and on. Been with them for around a year now. Broadband only at the moment.
Logged into my account and saw I could add the basic TV package for £5 extra per month. Sounds good so ordered and received contract documents to check and then confirmation of the order. 7-10 days for box and activation.
2 Weeks pass and nothing. Had 2 online chats with a bot or human. Difficult to tell the difference. Told me it would be £57 per month. Er, no it won't, It's £37. Here it is in black and white (screenshot of confirmation uploaded) They tell me that I cannot have the offer, I am still under contract and that offer is not available. But it's on my account and I have an order confirmation. No, they say, I can't have it. During the second chat and waiting for replies, I check my account again and see the offer is still there. I order it again and upload all the screenshots of order number and confirmation.
If I were sitting in front of the adviser, I'm sure I'd be met with blank stares. Anyway, decided to lodge an official complaint and a couple of days later received a reply which was obvious it hadn't even been read as they thought I was compllaining about my bill and if I were happy, the case would be closed. A few hours later I received an email saying all was good with my order and the box would be delivered on Saturday 30th March with a delivery notification from Yodel expected on Saturday 30th. Checked my account and there was the TV package added.
Saturday morning came and went with no notification of delivery. I checked my account and the TV package had been removed. Had a another chat online and sent plenty of screenshots of conformation and was told there was no TV package on my account and would I like to add one? AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH! After the adviser went away, they came back and assured me the TV package was still on my account (It wasn't and still isn't) and my box would arrive on Saturday (It didn't). What an absolute laughing stock of a company. Avoid it like the plague.