Forum Discussion

MagD's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

Section 21 Eviction Termination Fees

I received a Section 21 eviction notice meaning I have to move out of the property at the end of the month. I have already tried to contact the customer service team through webchat and they told me I had to pay the cancellation fee or they could move the direct debit to someone else's account and they pay for it instead. The team were extremely unhelpful and had no compassion for my situation. When I told them about posts I had seen on the forum about similar customer they told me that was not VMs policy and that they were the only team I could talk to about cancelling and did not let me raise a complaint. Treating customers differently is not fair.

This can't be right, the contract will still be in my name and I will be liable for the account. I did not foresee being evicted when I took out the contract? I don't have a new place lined up and I might need to stay with friends and family for a while. I'm really worried about these extra costs on top of finding a new place to live. Really hoping someone whose had a similar issue could advise?

  • Hi MagD, 

    Thanks for posting and a warm welcome to our Community Forums, although I am sorry to hear about the really difficult situation you're in right now 😥
    I know all to well how this feels, so I'll be more than happy to help. I'll reply to your PM now with relevant questions.

    Speak soon!


  • Hi MagD, 

    Thanks so much for chatting with me in our PM's, it was a pleasure to help you out in such a difficult situation.

    If you do need anything else from us, don't hesitate to ask! 

    Good luck and stay safe ❤



  • Good morning sorry to jump on thread but I'm in exactly the same situation. Iv been served a section21 which ended the 31st may I have till 14th June. Iv been a customer with virgin for 15yrs plus when iv moved iv moved virgin but at the age of 53yrs old I found myself homeless through this eviction. I can't afford a massive cancellation fee. Is there anything you can do.

    Kind regards

    • Megan_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Debs51m, 

      Thanks for posting and a warm welcome to our Community Forums, I am sorry you've also been hit by a Section 21 eviction notice! 

      This seems to be happening more often which is putting people like yourselves in difficult situations which I am sorry to hear 😥
      I'll send you a PM now so we can get this looked into.

      Speak soon!



      • Debs51m's avatar
        Joining in

        Hi Meg

        Just spoke the customer service they said I have to pay £638 or transfer my services to someone who could have them installed. But I'll be sofa surfacing from the 12th June.

        Kind regards


  • Hi could anyone help me please I'm due to lose my house the 9th June from then I will be homeless iv been with virgin 15yrs and to be told I have to pay the remainder if my contact is heart breaking. I'm 53yrs old homeless and now have this too . Can someone please help me sort this out if I was moving to a property I wouldn't hesitate taking virgin with me but I will be sofa surfing untill I can find somewhere. 

    Kind regards 




    [MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]

    • Megan_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Debs51m, 

      Thanks for chatting with me in our PM's, I'm sorry that we couldn't help in this instance 😥
      However, please give the Mover's Team a call on 0345 454 1111 option 1, 4 then 3 and they will be able to help. 

      Sorry that I couldn't help further today!



      • Debs51m's avatar
        Joining in

        Thank you for your reply but that was the mover team I spoke to and they said I have to pay over £600 cancellation fee.

