Restricted services
Virgin have restricted my services out of hours, claiming I am overdue a payment. All bills up to now are fully paid. My next bill payment date isn’t until April 15th and I have more than enough in the bank to facilitate payment for this month.
I work a night shift IT job and quite literally rely ony broadband to be working and stable.
I had been promised by support when I put in my notice to leave Virgin last month that my services would be online until the end of April.
There is no 24 hour customer services and I am unable to work, so I will not receive wages for my expected shift today. This is unacceptable from Virgin, if you are going to restrict someone’s service, do it in the day so we have time to contact support. Just another nail in the coffin for this dog 💩 company. No wonder people are leaving en masse for youfibre.
I need this resolved ASAP